Interest Rate Derivatives
2019 YTD vs. 2018 YTD
- Total IRD traded notional and trade count increased by 8% and 4%, respectively
- Fixed-for-floating IRS traded notional and trade count increased by 3% and 1%, respectively
- FRAs traded notional and trade count increased by 16% and 15%, respectively
- OIS traded notional and trade count increased by 8% and 15%, respectively
- 89% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 88% last year
- 60% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 57% last year

2019 Current Week vs. 2018 Current Week
- Total IRD traded notional and trade count decreased by 26% and 27%, respectively
- Fixed-for-floating IRS traded notional and trade count decreased by 27% and 28%, respectively
- FRAs traded notional and trade count decreased by 32% and 17%, respectively
- OIS traded notional increased by 3%, while trade count decreased by 27%
- 89% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 88% last year
- 55% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 60% last year

Interest Rate Derivatives: Benchmark Data
Week Ending April 19, 2019
- SOFR traded notional totaled $2.4 billion, including $0.7 billion of basis swaps. Trade count totaled 12, including 5 basis swaps
- SONIA traded notional totaled $102.0 billion, including $0.9 billion of basis swaps. Trade count totaled 163, including 15 basis swaps
- SARON traded notional and trade count was $0.6 billion and 1, respectively
- There were no TONA trades
YTD Ending April 19, 2019
- SOFR traded notional totaled $38.0 billion, including $4.7 billion of basis swaps. Trade count totaled 126, including 37 basis swaps
- SONIA traded notional totaled $2.1 trillion, including $46.0 billion of basis swaps. Trade count totaled 3,478, including 357 basis swaps
- SARON traded notional and trade count was $1.7 billion and 10, respectively
- TONA traded notional totaled $47.9 billion, including $1.0 billion of basis swaps. Trade count totaled 151, including 1 basis swap

Click Here to View Historical Benchmark Data
Credit Derivatives
2019 YTD vs. 2018 YTD
- Total credit derivatives traded notional and trade count decreased by 16% and 9%, respectively
- CDX HY traded notional and trade count decreased by 22% and 12%, respectively
- CDX IG traded notional and trade count decreased by 10% and 3%, respectively
- iTraxx Europe traded notional decreased by 9%, while trade count increased by 39%
- 80% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 83% last year
- 77% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 79% last year

2019 Current Week vs. 2018 Current Week
- Total credit derivatives traded notional and trade count decreased by 50% and 44%, respectively
- CDX HY traded notional and trade count decreased by 55% and 47%, respectively
- CDX IG traded notional and trade count decreased by 58% and 52%, respectively
- iTraxx Europe traded notional and trade count decreased by 51% and 44%, respectively
- 72% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 80% last year
- 65% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 75% last year