Interest Rate Derivatives
2018 YTD vs. 2017 YTD
- Total IRD traded notional and trade count increased by 21% and 14%, respectively
- Fixed-for-floating IRS traded notional and trade count increased by 26% and 15%, respectively
- FRAs traded notional and trade count increased by 23% and 15%, respectively
- OIS traded notional and trade count increased by 5% and 13%, respectively
- 88% of total traded notional was cleared, flat compared with last year
- 57% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 55% last year

2018 Current Week vs. 2017 Current Week
- Total IRD traded notional and trade count increased by 7% and 3%, respectively
- Fixed-for-floating IRS traded notional and trade count increased by 5% and 7%, respectively
- FRAs traded notional increased by 10%, while trade count decreased by 20%
- OIS traded notional and trade count decreased by 11% and 6%, respectively
- 86% of total traded notional was cleared vs 88% last year
- 54% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 56% last year

Credit Derivatives
2018 YTD vs. 2017 YTD
- Total credit derivatives traded notional and trade count increased by 41% and 23%, respectively
- CDX HY traded notional and trade count increased by 52% and 27%, respectively
- CDX IG traded notional and trade count increased by 59% and 38%, respectively
- iTraxx Europe traded notional and trade count increased by 37% and 22%, respectively
- 83% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 79% last year
- 79% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 74% last year

2018 Current Week vs. 2017 Current Week
- Total credit derivatives traded notional and trade count increased by 21% and 19%, respectively
- CDX HY traded notional and trade count increased by 42% and 19%, respectively
- CDX IG traded notional and trade count increased by 5% and 13%, respectively
- iTraxx Europe traded notional and trade count increased by 30% and 46%, respectively
- 77% of total traded notional was cleared vs. 75% last year
- 72% of total traded notional was executed On SEF vs. 69% last year